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A miscellaneous collection of commands which operate within your selected region.
//ezvines <mask> <pattern> [percentage] [min_length] [max_length]
Alias: //vines
Mask: Specifies the mask matching blocks to hang "vines" from.
Pattern: Determines the pattern of blocks to place.
Percentage (Default: 10%): Sets the percentage of blocks to hang vines from.
Min Length (Default: 2): Specifies the minimum vine length.
Max Length (Default: 5): Defines the maximum vine length.
[min_length] [max_length]
//ezmoss <pattern> [amount] [smooth_radii] [smooth_iterations]
Alias: //moss
Pattern: Determines the block pattern to use for the moss.
Amount (Default: 2.0): Specifies the amount of moss to place. Decimal values are allowed, and values are somewhat arbitrary.
Smooth Radii (Default: 1): Sets the smoothing radii for the moss placement. Can be one radius or three comma-separated radii, in the order of East/West, Up/Down, North/South.
Smooth Iterations (Default: 5): Defines the number of smoothing iterations to apply.
//ezslabmerge <mask> [-b] [-t]
Alias: //slabmerge
Mask: Specifies the mask to select which blocks to affect within the region.
-b: When used, will also convert bottom slabs to full blocks.
-t: When used, will also convert top slabs to full blocks.