This page covers the //ezspline 3d subcommand which feature 3D spline shapes embedded along the spline path.
//ezspline 3d <shape><pattern>
<shape> : Choose one from the list below.
<pattern>: Specifies the block(s) the spline is made out of, e.g. clay.
The remaining arguments are outlined on thesubpage.
List of <shape>s
//ezspline 3d Beads (Be)
Bead spline
//ezsp 3d Beads
Generates a beads-shaped spline along the selected positions.
Beads shape has no parameters.
//ezsp 3d Beads clay 10
This shape can also be achieved with theshape using the following set of parameters: Rings(E:0,T:1,G:0,M:2,N:2)
//ezspline 3d Cubes (Cu)
Cubes Spline
Generates a chainlink-shaped spline along the selected positions.
[Gap:<value>] (G) (Default: 0.5):
Sets the gap between cubes
//ezsp 3d Cubes clay 7
Default gap is 0.5
//ezsp 3d Cubes(Gap:0.0) clay 7
//ezsp 3d Cubes(Gap:1.0) clay 7
//ezsp 3d Cu(G:2.0) clay 7
//ezspline 3d Chainlink (Ch)
Chain-Link Spline
Generates a highly customisable chainlink-shaped spline along the selected positions.
[Extrusion:<value>] (E) (Default: 0.2):
The amount to length to add for each individual link along the chain.
[Thickness:<value>] (T) (Default: 1.0):
The inner/minor radius of each link.
[Gap:<value>] (G) (Default: 0.0):
Amount to offset each link by, adjusting the overlap of the links in the chain.
[MajorExponent:<value>] (M) (Default: 3.0):
The exponent defining the outer shape of an individual chain link.
[MinorExponent:<value>] (N) (Default: 3.0):
The exponent defining the shape of the cross-section of an individual chain link.
[Place:<value>] (P) (Default: "BOTH"):
Choose between "FIRST", "SECOND", or "BOTH" to place only half of the chain links or both.
//ezsp 3d Chainlink clay 10
//ezsp 3d Chainlink(M:99,N:99,Extrusion:0.6) clay 10
M:99 is responsible for making the chains appear rectangular (instead of elliptical).
N:99 is responsible for making the square chain link's cross-section square-shaped.
//ezsp 3d Chainlink(M:1,N:1,E:0.7,G:-0.2,T:1.2) clay 11
//ezsp 3d Chainlink(M:2,N:2,E:0,G:1) clay 11
//ezspline 3d Chainlink(P:FIRST)red_terracotta 10
//ezspline 3d Chainlink(P:SECOND)blue_wool 10
//ezspline 3d Fishnet (Fi)
Fishnet Spline
Generates a fishnet-shaped spline along the selected positions.
[Spacing:<value>] (S) (Default: 1.0):
The distance between the strings of the net.
[Depth:<value>] (D) (Default: 0.2):
The depth of each string within the net. How much it protrudes towards the center of the spline.
[Width:<value>] (W) (Default: 0.2):
The width of each string.
//ezspline 3d Fishnet clay 10
//ezsp 3d Fishnet(Spacing:2.0) clay 10
//ezsp 3d Fishnet(S:2.0,Depth:1.0,Width:0.3) clay 10
//ezsp 3d Fi(S:2.0,D:0.5,W:0.5) clay 10
//ezspline 3d Oscillate (Os)
Oscillation Spline
Generates a spline with an oscillating thickness along the selected positions.
[Depth:<value>] (D) (Default: 0.2):
Specifies how many blocks deep the ridges cut into the surface of the spline.
[Interval:<value>] (I) (Default: 0.5):
Specifies the distance between each ridge.
//ezspline 3d Oscillate clay 10
Uses default values Depth:0.2 and Interval:0.5
//ezsp 3d Oscillate(Depth:0.6) clay 10
//ezsp 3d Oscillate(Depth:0.6,Interval:1.5) clay 10
//ezsp 3d Oscillate(Depth:0.2,Interval:1.5) clay 10
Can be abbreviated to Os(D:0.2,I:1.5)
//ezspline 3d Rings (Ri)
Rings Spline
Generates a highly customisable spline of repeating rings/cubes/spheres along the spline path.
[Extrusion:<value>] (Default: 0.2):
The amount to length to add for each individual link along the chain.
[Thickness:<value>] (Default: 0.15):
Thickness of each ring. Smaller values lead to a larger hole in the middle. 1.0 results in a (super-)sphere.
[Gap:<value>] (Default: 0.0):
Relative gap size between each torus. 0 means there is no gap, all toruses come right after another. 1 means the distance is exactly the size of one torus. Negative values result in overlapping.
[MajorExponent:<value>] (Default: 2.0):
The exponent defining the outer shape of an individual torus.
[MinorExponent:<value>] (Default: 2.0):
The exponent defining the shape of the cross-section of an individual torus.
//ezsp 3d Cubes([Gap:<value>])
//ezsp 3d Chainlink([Extrusion:<value>],[Thickness:<value>],[Gap:<value>],[MajorExponent:<value>],[MinorExponent:<value>],[Place:<value>])
(!) We provide an interactive 3D plot to play around with all parameters (it's very neat):
//ezsp 3d Fishnet([Spacing:<value>],[Depth:<value>],[Width:<value>])
//ezsp 3d Oscillate([Depth:<value>],[Interval:<value>])